“Chemotherapy, surgery, prayer and faith healed our son -

Lighthouse helped heal our family.”

- Phil Hennessey, Retreat Dad


“My son is usually treated differently because he has cancer, but that didn’t happen on the retreat… we were able to just be a regular family enjoying ourselves.”

Family Partners

Volunteers show up and fill a spot, but “Family Partners” come along side and serve for a week.


Giving to Lighthouse Family Retreat is an investment in families all across the nation.

Patrons of Hope Atlanta

March 19, 2016

On May 6, 2016, the Patrons of Hope event, an evening of sophisticated gaming benefitting Lighthouse Family Retreat, will be held at the Atlanta Athletic Club for 200 guests. By serving as…[read more]


Give a #HandfulofHope this Holiday Season

December 7, 2015

This holiday season, what if you and 5 friends passed on your morning joe and gave $5, aka a “Handful of Hope”, to families who are battling childhood cancer? And then what…[read more]


Summer Staff

November 16, 2015

Join Lighthouse Family Retreat’s Summer Staff 2016! Beach. Families. Service. What more could you want from a summer job? As a Summer Staffer, you will make lifelong friends, worship Jesus with Family…[read more]


The Rush Family Gives Back

November 15, 2015

The Rush family’s story begins when Tristen, their fearless cancer warrior, was born six weeks earlier than expected and weighed only 3 pounds, 9 ounces. At just three weeks old, Tristen was…[read more]


678.290.2955   •   info@lighthousefamilyretreat.org
4470 Chamblee-Dunwoody Rd, Suite 200, Atlanta, GA 30338